Innovation and R&D
NeXHS has a designated R&D Centre with a lush green/ eco-friendly working environment located at IIT Madras Research park, Chennai, which is the bee-hive of brilliant minds of India and it is also said to be the Home to India’s leading deep-tech start-ups. The office environment helps us to extract the most out of Industry Academia Collaboration – harnessing the expertise of 16 Departments, over 600 Globally acclaimed Faculty, 3,500 Research Scholars, Hitech Laboratories/ testing facilities, Innovation Centres and Students of IIT Madras.
NeXHS run research and development programs partnering with OEMs for standardization of foundations and concrete tower designs for an array of soil and wind conditions.

Analytical Tools
NEXHS has developed special analytical tools that help in optimizing structural designs with minimum iterations for any given load and soil conditions. The design strategy is based on optimizing foundation designs considering soil-structure interactions and analysing them as finite element models using ABAQUS Unified and ANSYS.
NeXHS uses in-house MATLAB tools and programme for dynamic analysis of the structural systems of wind turbines and develop them as real-time models in 3D softwares like 3DExp CATIA to realistically understand and visualize the structure.
Our Ongoing R&D Concepts
Space frame tower using crane less technology
Recycling and Reutilizing
- Optimizing blade profile for optimal performance of wind turbine
- Wind Turbine erection with our Crane less Tower Solution reduce cost of construction
- Recycling and Reutilizing materials to achieve sustainable construction solutions
Geotechnical Engineering
- Providing general guidance for geotechnical investigation through certified geotechnical engineering services.
- Work scope preparation for geotechnical services based on discussions with our clients for the proposedproject.
- Recommendation of the foundation system based on the soil and bedrock conditions and considering the proposed structure.
- Liquefaction analysis of the proposed site and Seismic response analysis of complete project.
- Geotechnical earthquake design of the foundation system based on various codal provisions.
- Sampling and testing of soil sample will be carried out with the help of IIT Madras Geotechnical Laboratory to obtain better quality results.
- Ground Investigation and design reports are provided as perthe provision of different International and Indian codes.
Craneless Tower Solution
We are paving a new way of Wind Turbine erection with our Craneless Tower Solution that concentrates on the cost efficiency of a WTG Construction through the exclusion of Cranes and its supporting structures.
Testing of High Strength Non-shrink Grout
Our R&D team is doing an extensive research in Grout material that have Higher strength and Dimensional stability when compared with the existing Grout materials. WTG Foundations will get greatly benefited from this research. It is considered to possess improved durability and long-term response to damage. The high-strength grout developed in this study can be used for offshore wind turbine foundations also which exhibit excellent early-age strength, fatigue strength, resistance to fracture as well as excellent workability. The project is collaboratively being carried out with CSIR-SERC, Chennai.