We have years of Expertise in providing Optimized Designs and Consultation of Onshore WTG Foundation and Towers for major OEMs and IPPs in the Global Wind Energy market which have been validated, by major certifying bodies like UL, DN-VGL and our designs are verified by CSIR-SERC.

Our Design Philosophy
- Optimizing the foundation and tower design by maximum utilization of local resources available at site.
- Understanding the soil dynamics and its interaction with structures using Innovative tools and Finite Element Analysis techniques.
- Reducing the requirement of steel and concrete in foundation designs as per the FE analysis which also satisfy the IEC and applicable codal provisions.

Shallow Foundation
Wind turbine foundations are usually of shallow depth and extending to a larger area. The base area is large enough such that it resists overturning. These foundations are of circular cross section and are designed to avoid sliding and overturning by virtue of its own weight and the friction between bottom of the foundation and soil beneath it. The foundation is designed considering the safe bearing capacity of soil and allowable settlement of the structure.
Standard Foundation
The standard circular foundation is the conventional typology of wind turbine foundation that has been widely adopted. It consists of a solid circular slab and a pedestal at the centre. This type of circular foundation consumes a large volume of concrete. NeXHS have been involved in the design of several standard circular foundations.

8 Wall Foundation
NeXHS has implemented a number of 8-wall foundations across the world. It consists of eight number of walls on the outside of the slab by which the slab depth can be reduced compared to the standard circular foundation and leading to a reduction in concrete volume by 15%. The load from the tower is transferred to the pedestal to the walls and then to the slab which is in contact with the ground. The walls provide stiffness to the foundation.
4 Wall Foundation
We have established a reputation for analysing the problems and delivering solutions & design reports of unrivalled quality and clarity. The four-wall foundation has been evolved from the 8-wall foundation and has a reduced concrete volume of more than 20% when compared with the standard circular foundation. The choice of foundation depends on the load acting on the foundation and the soil conditions.

Piled Raft Foundation
Standard circular foundation along with piles are adopted at location where the SBC of the soil is very low or the presence of rock strata is at a deeper level. The piles are designed to transfer the load either as friction along the length of the piles or as end bearing to the rock strata. The number of piles depend on the type of soil and the load on the foundation.
NeXHS is continuously involved in design of foundation at challenging soils.
NeXHS is continuously evolving with various innovation in foundation typology which brings about reduction in concrete volume, Reduced CO2 emissions and increased cost benefits.
Our Extended Services
Wind Farm BOP Solutions
Solar Projects and Engineering
Geotechnical Solutions
- Providing general guidance for geotechnical investigation execution through certified geotechnical engineering services.
- Work scope preparation for geotechnical services based on discussions with our clients and the project proposed.
- Seismic Site Class determination, Subgrade soil observations, testing and evaluations for construction projects.
- Ground Investigation Reports (GIR) and Geo-technical Design Reports (GDR) are provided to meet the requirements of International and Indian codes.
- Enhancing performance through soil investigation testing and evaluation.
- Foundation type recommendations based on the soil and bedrock conditions encountered and the proposed structures.
- Sampling and testing of soils will be carried out at IIT-M Geo Laboratory for better accurate results.
- Design of road network and transmission lines
- Design of Solar foundation
- Proof Checking for Solar Foundation
The Areas where we excel
Foundation Design
Wall Type Foundation
Anchor Type Foundation
High Rise Foundation
Piled-Raft Foundation
Pre Cast Foundation
Design of Towers
Concrete Towers
Hybrid Towers
Braced Hybrid Towers
Steel Towers
Soft-soft Towers
Owner’s Engineer
Feasibility Studies
Detailed Designs
Foundation & Soil Assessment
Project Management
Site Inspection
Field Studies
TFA (Technical Field Assistance)
Balance of Plant
Earthing System Design
Road and Drainage’s
Crane Pad Design
EHV Transmission lines
Other Electrical and Civil Designs
Solar Foundation
Design of Solar Foundation
Proof checking of Solar Foundation
Technical due diligence